Women Against China’s Misogyny

Lottie Galbraith
6 min readFeb 22, 2021

By Lottie Galbraith

Ahead of International Women’s Day (March 8th), there isn’t a polite or politically correct way to ask these questions:

· How much do you support the rights of ALL women?

· Or are you only really interested in the rights of women like you; women who share your color, religion, politics, education or social class?

· What about desperately impoverished brown muslim women? How much do you truly care about them?

In particular, Uighar muslim women in North West China who are reporting systematic rape and torture by Chinese government officials. Vast numbers of innocent women have been separated from their children, subjected to forced sterilisation and abortions as part of alleged Genocide on a massive scale by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

The CCP denies any wrong-doing of course. They’re calling it fake news. But no surprises there — rapists and murderers invariably deny or justify their secret brutality.

Democratically elected governments everywhere keep condemning the on-going atrocities by the CCP, but with little effect. In fact, if anything, official government criticism usually increases tensions with the CCP who routinely threaten reprisals. The CCP imposed crippling trade tariffs against Australia for daring to insist the CCP allowed a thorough investigation into the origins of the pandemic. And the CCP took only a few days of the new US government coming into power to warn the Biden administration against meddling in China’s ‘internal affairs’. Or suffer the consequences.

This bully always expects to get away with its threats and brutality. Because, for the past 70 years or so, they have.

They count on us not caring enough about what they do to these poor muslim women. It’s an ‘inconvenient truth’ that we all keep strengthening the CCP each time we buy cheap Chinese-made goods. There is also compelling evidence that much of the cheap cotton clothing exported by China is picked and processed by these same Uighar muslim women. They are modern-day slaves whose only purpose in life is to satisfy the most misogynistic patriarchy on the planet today. These women have no voice. And our politicians simply can’t do anything about it anymore.

Perhaps this is a job for women who DO have a voice. It was hard won — with more work to be done.

We must remember that it was only a hundred years ago when women everywhere had no voice either. It was the British activist Emmeline Pankhurst and the Suffragettes who paved the way for women everywhere to have our voices heard, when they secured the right for women to vote.

And they did so by non-violent means. Today the world’s women have the opportunity to do exactly the same — peacefully, without anger or even public demonstrations. Together, we could quietly make the CCP impotent and powerless. We can succeed in ways politics and diplomacy can’t. This year’s International Women’s Day slogan is #choosetochallenge. You can choose to challenge the CCP.

Here’s how:

Permission from fathers, husbands and guardians for women to open bank accounts is still widespread in parts of the world, but today billions of women manage their family finances. We therefore wield enormous buying power. And thanks to democracy, and our rights to vote, we can decide how and where we choose to spend our money. We don’t need to spend billions on military hardware to crush the CCP.

To end the CCP’s violence against women; we can all make our vote count, every time we use our credit cards.

· Personally, I never buy anything from Walmart who allegedly import up to 80% of the goods they sell from China.

· I refuse to buy from Amazon too. If I had an Amazon Prime account, I’d cancel it because of how they have given Chinese firms free (and highly profitable) access to their global customers.

· I love my MacBook Pro, but I won’t be buying another Apple product while they continue to manufacture in China, sourcing their components from a supply chain comprising about 1 million Chinese workers who contribute taxes to the CCP.

Therefore, if any product is made in China — simply don’t buy it. Because so much is manufactured in China at the moment this can be challenging — but nothing compared to the challenges faced by our female ancestors. From now on, before you make any purchase — ask where it was made. If it’s from China, just cancel your order. #choosetochallenge the retailer about the atrocities they are supporting by selling Chinese products. If enough customers do this, it might force some of them to sell products manufactured in democratic countries instead.

· Recruit all your friends (male and female) to vote in the same ways with their credit cards too.

· Educate your children to understand what the Chinese government is doing to women, how they are the largest global polluter and how they are destroying future jobs in your country. Children may be too young to vote, but they’re never too young to do the right thing.

· Share this article widely.

If you still need convincing about why the CCP must be challenged and stopped:

· The CCP successfully eliminated democracy in Hong Kong overnight in July 2020. Since then despite global outrage, brave young men and women have been arrested and criminalised for just wanting what the rest of us seem to take for granted — our freedoms.

· More than a thousand male and female students and Beijingers were murdered by the CCP in 1989 at Tiananmen Square. But that night has been erased from recent Chinese history. Most Chinese citizens don’t even know it happened and those who dare even talk about it, risk being ‘disappeared’ by the Chinese authorities. A similar fate awaits any Chinese citizen who criticises the CCP for being responsible for the most catastrophic humanitarian disaster EVER -

· The CCP are directly responsible for the deaths of 36 MILLION Chinese citizens from starvation in the late 1950s and early 1960s. To put this in perspective, the Nazis created industrial-scale extermination camps to wipe-out Jews during the second world war — they tried so hard, but ‘only’ managed to murder about 6 million innocent men, women and children. While these 36 million Chinese citizens slowly starved to death, the CCP chose to keep it a secret from the world. They preferred to allow them to die, than ask for help or food from the ‘free’ world because it would mean admitting Chairman Mao’s ‘Great Leap Forward’, was a disaster beyond comprehension.

· COVID began in China. This was also kept secret by the CCP: again with devastating consequences with more than 100 million infections and ten million deaths worldwide — so far.

· Since the CCP seized power in 1949 they also took ownership of women’s bodies. No woman was allowed to have more than one child. Millions of pregnancies were aborted by this regime causing untold suffering for women throughout China. Chinese women continue to be among the most oppressed in the world.

· Countless followers of the Christian religious group Falun Gong are reported to have been imprisoned and then subjected to ‘organ harvesting’ whereby critical healthy organs are removed, to be transplanted into the bodies of communist party members or sold for profit — while the ‘donors’ often died.

· The CCP continues to threaten an invasion of Taiwan over which it claims sovereignty, even though the present government was democratically elected by a landslide.

When will the world join the dots and stand up against this murderous regime?

Would you, and everyone you know, be prepared to #choosetochallenge the CCP on behalf of the countless women in China who are robbed of their basic human rights?

I wonder what the CCP could possibly do to control a few billion unpredictable and pissed off women?

Emmeline Pankhurst and the Suffragettes started a chain reaction by giving a voice to women throughout the rest of the world. Let’s all make Emmeline proud.

For more information, visit: www.HealDemocracy.org


